August 03, 2013

MBA Smart

Eager to make her mark in the world of business, the attractive new MBA took a job as an executive assistant to the owner of a fast-growing computer software company.  The man was in his late sixties, but handsome and hard working.

She found the work challenging and the travel interesting, but was extremely annoyed by her boss's tendency to treat her in public as though she were his girlfriend rather than a professional associate.

This was especially irritating in restaurants, where he would insist on ordering for her and on calling her "dearest" or "darling" within earshot of the waiters.  When she told him how much it bothered her, he promised to stop, but the patronizing behavior continued.

Finally, as he led her into a four-star restaurant, she took matters into her own hands.  "Where would you like to sit, sweetheart?" he asked, with a wink at the maitre d.

"Gee," she replied, "Anywhere you say, Dad."

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