November 30, 2020

Getting Even


Sam had been with the company for 40 years. When he retired, they gave him a watch (not a Rolex… a Timex). Three weeks later, the main machine stopped running and nobody could figure out what the problem was, so they called Sam.

He came in the next day and walked around the machine. “Got a big hammer?” he asked. The new “tech” ran to get the biggest one he could find. Sam smacked a bolt on the left side of the machine and it started right up.

When the company got his bill, it was for $10,000 and the company president was furious. He called Sam, “You took ten minutes and you charged us ten thousand dollars? Nobody charges that much an hour!”

Sam replied, “Actually, I only charged you ten bucks for the labor, but it cost you $9,990 for me to figure out which bolt to smack.”



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