December 14, 2007

Screw Her !

Two lawyers, Carl and Steve, decided to take their vacation together and went on a small, private plane to visit Paris for a time. There was a terrible storm, and the plane went down into the Atlantic Ocean.

Fortunately, the two lawyers survived the crash, but had to swim to a nearby island that only had a few banana trees and a few coconut trees, and they were stranded for several months with only bananas and coconuts to live on.

Each day, they would climb up the tallest tree to see if there was a ship out there to rescue them.

One day, Carl called to Steve from the tree, "I see a rubber raft! And it's headed this way!"

Steve called up, "Is there anyone in it?"

"No... oh... wait! YES! It's a beautiful blonde woman! And she's naked!"

The rubber raft finally reached the tiny island, and the woman was alive, but unconscious.

They pulled her up onto the beach, and Carl said, "It's been a real long time... do you think we could... you know... screw her?"

Steve exclaimed, "Out of what? That measly rubber raft!"

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