October 25, 2007

Telephone Poles

The local telephone company finally decided to install telephones all the way to Catahoula. They needed to hire someone to install the poles down the levee, so they work out for bid. The company received only two equal bids, one from some guys in Port Arthur, and the other from the Boudreaux & Thibodeaux Construction Co.

In order to decide who to give the job to, they decided to see which company would do the best job and gave the two groups a hands-on test. They had the company from Texas install poles down one side of the levee, and Boudreaux & Thibodeaux do the other side.

Later that day the phone company man went out to check their progress, and saw that the Texans had installed about thirty poles, but B & T had only put in five.

The company rep asked Boudreaux why they were so slow. Boudreaux explained, "Yeh, dey did a lot more poles den we did, but look how much dey left sticking out de ground."

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