March 09, 2008

Special Irish Pig

A young Irishman sitting at a bar with his pet pig asks for a couple of drinks.

The confused bartender said no animals were allowed at the bar.

The man proceeded to say, "Ah, but this is a very special pig. Just last week there was a fire in the house and that pig came charging out of his pen into the house and woke us all up . Then a few days later my son fell into the pool and that pig was grazing out on the lawn, and he came running and jumped into the pool and saved my son."

"Well " said the bartender "I guess this pig is very special, so I'll get him a drink. By the way I noticed that he is missing one leg, what happened? "

"Well," said the young Irishman, "When you got a pig this good you don't eat him all at once!"

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